Understand the aims and objectives of Teaching Computer Science.
Gain mastery of teaching skills in their teaching.
Learn various models and levels of teaching Computer Science.
Comprehend the various methods of teaching Computer Science.
Gain knowledge on usage of instructional media in teaching Computer Science.
Meaning, Nature, Scope, Need and Significance, Values,Aims and Objectives : Instructional objectives and Behavioural Objectives – Need and Importance of Instructional Objectives.
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives : Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Domains, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy 2001 (Anderson &Krathwohl) Interrelation among the domains – Correlation between subjects.
Micro-Teaching : Concept, Definition, Steps, Cycle , Micro-teaching Vs Macro-Teaching - Skill of Set Induction - Skill of Explaining , Skill of Questioning , Probing skills, Skill of Stimulus Variation, Skill of Reinforcement, Skill of non-verbal clues, Skill of Closure - Link lesson – Model episode.
Approaches of Lesson Planning - Steps - Organizing Teaching : Memory Level (Herbartian Model), Understanding Level (Morrison teaching Model), Reflective Level (Bigge and Hunt Teaching Model)– Unit Plan – Lesson Plan Writing.
Teacher Centered Instruction : Lecture method, Demonstration and Team Teaching. –
Learner Centered Instruction : Self-Learning – Forms of Self-Learning Programmed Instruction, Computer Assisted Instruction , Keller Plan, Project Method, Activity Based Learning (ABL), Active Learning Method (ALM)-Mind Map, Advanced Active Learning Method (AALM).
Classification of Instructional Media – Use of Mass media in classroom Instruction.
New Emerging Media : Tele-Conferencing, Communication Satellites, Computer Networking, Word Processors, Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality.
Write general and specific instructional objectives for one of the lessons in Computer Science.
Prepare an episode and link lesson for anyone of the topics in Computer Science using anyone of the skills in micro teaching.
Write a lesson plan for anyone of the lessons in Computer Science.
Develop a programmed learning instruction material for one of the topics in Computer Science.
Write an essay an Classification of Instructional Media.